Thursday, 3 September 2020

Getting there

 I've now completed my round of re-booking hotels for 2021. In many cases I have been able to re-book those I had for this year but I've also come across ones that I just cannot book at this time, ones that I could but are much more expensive (4x in one case), and even some that look to be a better option than I had before. Some though, I really don't want to stay at but have had to get something, just in case my first choice isn't ever available. I don't want to miss out on visiting a city, just because we'd have to share a toilet but I know, given Grizzly's bodily functions, he'd probably prefer private bathroom! Other guests would! 😂

Inevitably, changing hotels in this way, has meant changing the route. In most cases that's just a few metres/kilometres but in one case, I have moved us from one country to another and a couple of hours up the road! That may not turn out to be a bad thing, moving from Switzerland to Germany, cost wise. It could still change though. The basic route is still the same, that's the main thing.  

That's all for now.